We shared stories and thoughts about Mindy and offered mutual support. We also shared some of her songs as part of the service. The recording is at
https://uuma.zoom.us/rec/share/fzWTZMUWYWM0sPfuuJ9MkHjyRrCP0G_IQxwhdBcTIGH_NwLgmjeAFbmWTwLMZX5s.RWMpGtQmNfw12KZu?startTime=1646512239000 (Passcode: Nt#+0wa= )
The service begins at the 2:55 mark. The breakout rooms were not recorded, so there is silence from 16:50 to 37:30.
Read more on her CaringBridge site... Her website is at MindySimmons.com
https://uuma.zoom.us/rec/share/fzWTZMUWYWM0sPfuuJ9MkHjyRrCP0G_IQxwhdBcTIGH_NwLgmjeAFbmWTwLMZX5s.RWMpGtQmNfw12KZu?startTime=1646512239000 (Passcode: Nt#+0wa= )
The service begins at the 2:55 mark. The breakout rooms were not recorded, so there is silence from 16:50 to 37:30.
Read more on her CaringBridge site... Her website is at MindySimmons.com