Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
Many of us at this church are members of the UU Service Committee (UUSC) which is the national UU social justice arm of our faith tradition. This organization advocates and advances human rights in the US and around the world by partnering with those who confront unjust power structures while mobilizing to challenge oppressive policies. The UUSC tries to bring aid to those who have been left behind by larger relief organizations. The UUSC staff teams up with partners local in the areas served with the understanding they know more of what is needed and how to connect with the people requiring the most assistance. With the upheaval caused by Covid, the UUSC realizes that the world cannot return to the old ways that often did not honor basic human rights - we cannot return to ways that do not serve humanity. Right now they are focusing on climate forced displacements, human rights, immigrants rights and disaster relief. For more information about their work, please go to their website at UUSC.Org.
Becoming a UUSC Member
This organization relies upon congregations to make up the bulk of their funding. Our congregation takes pride in generously giving to the UUSC. You can join this inspiring group of professional activists by supporting them financially and becoming aware of what they do. And you can be sure you are giving to an organization with the highest rating by Charity Navigator.
For just $40 you can become a member along with your family. Or for $150 or more, your contribution will be matched by a well- endowed congregation on Long Island - The Shelter Rock Congregation. To join, donate, or renew your membership go to: https://donate.UUSC.org/UUSarasota2022. Checks can also be sent directly to
P.O. Box 808
NEWARK NJ 07101-0808.
Be sure to write UU Sarasota on the memo line of the check. You will get lots of information about the work of the UUSC and will know that your support will be applied in healthy and sustainable ways.
For questions please contact our congregation’s liaison to the UUSC, Linda Bodycomb at 410-610-9118 or by email at [email protected].
Eighteen seconds into the following video you may recognize our own Josh Leach, son of Julie and Rev. Brock Leach.
Many of us at this church are members of the UU Service Committee (UUSC) which is the national UU social justice arm of our faith tradition. This organization advocates and advances human rights in the US and around the world by partnering with those who confront unjust power structures while mobilizing to challenge oppressive policies. The UUSC tries to bring aid to those who have been left behind by larger relief organizations. The UUSC staff teams up with partners local in the areas served with the understanding they know more of what is needed and how to connect with the people requiring the most assistance. With the upheaval caused by Covid, the UUSC realizes that the world cannot return to the old ways that often did not honor basic human rights - we cannot return to ways that do not serve humanity. Right now they are focusing on climate forced displacements, human rights, immigrants rights and disaster relief. For more information about their work, please go to their website at UUSC.Org.
Becoming a UUSC Member
This organization relies upon congregations to make up the bulk of their funding. Our congregation takes pride in generously giving to the UUSC. You can join this inspiring group of professional activists by supporting them financially and becoming aware of what they do. And you can be sure you are giving to an organization with the highest rating by Charity Navigator.
For just $40 you can become a member along with your family. Or for $150 or more, your contribution will be matched by a well- endowed congregation on Long Island - The Shelter Rock Congregation. To join, donate, or renew your membership go to: https://donate.UUSC.org/UUSarasota2022. Checks can also be sent directly to
P.O. Box 808
NEWARK NJ 07101-0808.
Be sure to write UU Sarasota on the memo line of the check. You will get lots of information about the work of the UUSC and will know that your support will be applied in healthy and sustainable ways.
For questions please contact our congregation’s liaison to the UUSC, Linda Bodycomb at 410-610-9118 or by email at [email protected].
Eighteen seconds into the following video you may recognize our own Josh Leach, son of Julie and Rev. Brock Leach.