“What are you thinking about?” asked Diane. We were sitting on a sanctuary walkway bench watching a torrential rain pour off the sanctuary roof last week.
“Noah,” I said. “And his arc.”
“You are going to build an ark?” she asked. “And by the way ark is spelled with a ‘k’.”
Everyone’s a critic I said to myself. “No, but this reminds me of the Biblical forty days and forty nights. We’ve had over ten inches of rain even before this storm.”
“Usually you are complaining about a lack of rain and even threatened to do a naked rain dance so that church plants would not suffer in a drought. I put a stop to that. Now you are complaining about too much rain.”
I sighed and got off the bench.
“Where are going?” said Diane.
“To try to find a Bible - maybe if I held one up in my arthritic hand, the rain would stop.”
“How did that work out for the other guy who tried it?”
I abandoned my biblical plans.
“Noah,” I said. “And his arc.”
“You are going to build an ark?” she asked. “And by the way ark is spelled with a ‘k’.”
Everyone’s a critic I said to myself. “No, but this reminds me of the Biblical forty days and forty nights. We’ve had over ten inches of rain even before this storm.”
“Usually you are complaining about a lack of rain and even threatened to do a naked rain dance so that church plants would not suffer in a drought. I put a stop to that. Now you are complaining about too much rain.”
I sighed and got off the bench.
“Where are going?” said Diane.
“To try to find a Bible - maybe if I held one up in my arthritic hand, the rain would stop.”
“How did that work out for the other guy who tried it?”
I abandoned my biblical plans.