More than a month ago, our custodian Katherine noticed that a Monarch butterfly was laying eggs on the milkweed plant outside the church kitchen porch. She called to let me know, and I rushed over to church to observe. We had planted the milkweed there, hoping that we would attract Monarchs, and sure enough a beautiful female Monarch butterfly was laying eggs on our plant. Trying not to hover, we watched as eggs morphed into caterpillars, and caterpillars changed into bright green chrysalises. And then we waited for the final metamorphosis - the butterfly. And after a couple of weeks, we had our reward - at least two butterflies emerged and fluttered around the back of the church. We felt like proud parents. We would like them to stay around for us to admire, but being Monarchs, they are probably off to parts unknown. We will plant some milkweed again and maybe they or one of their relatives will visit us again. We would love that. -Diane Happy