Pledge payment methods
There are many ways to fulfill your pledge to your church family:
Electronic funds transfer (EFT) from your bank account can simplify the payment of your pledge and make it easy to plan for your personal budget. It is helpful to UUCS as well by providing steady monthly income and reducing the number of checks that need to be hand processed. Click here to set up EFT.
Credit Card You can use your credit card to make a monthly gift to the church. Click here to set up your automatic credit card donation.
Personal Check to 'UUCS' and placed in the offering basket or sent to the office at 3975 Fruitville Road, Sarasota, FL 34232
Appreciated Stock held more than one year. Contact your tax advisor to discuss the the benefits of donating securities. Then contact the church administrator at 941 371-4974, ext. 5 or via email to [email protected] for the information that your brokerage will need.
IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution for people age 70-1/2. Contact your IRA administrator to satisfy your RMD with a non-taxable distribution from your IRA to the church. Please review the Qualified Charitable Distribution option with your tax or financial advisor.
Electronic funds transfer (EFT) from your bank account can simplify the payment of your pledge and make it easy to plan for your personal budget. It is helpful to UUCS as well by providing steady monthly income and reducing the number of checks that need to be hand processed. Click here to set up EFT.
Credit Card You can use your credit card to make a monthly gift to the church. Click here to set up your automatic credit card donation.
- If you prefer open and print the Credit Card / EFT form. Fill in your bank or credit card information and complete the form with the church administrator in her office. If you like, you can also open the form and save it to your hard drive.
Personal Check to 'UUCS' and placed in the offering basket or sent to the office at 3975 Fruitville Road, Sarasota, FL 34232
Appreciated Stock held more than one year. Contact your tax advisor to discuss the the benefits of donating securities. Then contact the church administrator at 941 371-4974, ext. 5 or via email to [email protected] for the information that your brokerage will need.
IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution for people age 70-1/2. Contact your IRA administrator to satisfy your RMD with a non-taxable distribution from your IRA to the church. Please review the Qualified Charitable Distribution option with your tax or financial advisor.