Offering time and talent
Another way to give to the UUCS is to offer your time and talents. The UUCS website and the weekly Contact newsletter are great resources for the latest information on activities and programs. If you have an interest or have questions about the below activities, please don’t hesitate to contact our volunteer coordinator, June Brasgalla, via email [email protected].
Paths into the Church
Following your Passion into Community
Following your Passion into Community
Starting out:
Task-centered volunteering where you meet people and help keep the church sailing smoothly
Sunday Mornings greeting people
Welcome Table
Ushers and Greeters
Sunday mornings with our children (requires background check)
Nursery (child care)
Religious Education teaching
Sunday morning feeding body and spirit
Hospitality (setting out and serving just after church service)
Potluck (second Sunday each month, set-up and clean-up)
Sunday morning feeding the mind
Book table
Library (shelving and organizing books, scheduled when there is not a meeting there)
Sunday Morning Tables in the Courtyard
Ticket sales for concerts (also at the event)
Helping in the Church Office
Regular or occasional office volunteer (light typing, copying, morning shifts available)
Elves (assembling the order of service and other materials Friday mornings)
Helping in the Church Outside and Inside
Gardening (Tuesday mornings, Friday afternoons – weeding, pruning, planting)
Maintenance (scheduled help keeping the buildings in good working order)
For Personal Benefit and Get to Know Folks:
Writers Group
Chalice Groups (groups form in September and January)
Interweave (in homes, meetings third Sunday after church, and films third Wednesday evening)
Film Discussion
Forum (Sundays at 9:30 a.m.)
Free Thinkers (Friday morning once or twice a month)
Get Together Suppers
Bridge for Fun
Recorder Group
See Sarasota and More
French Conversation Groups
Sharing your skills:
Chalice Group Facilitator (apply through the minister)
Lay Pastoral Care Associate (apply through the minister)
Choir (apply through the music director)
Sound and Video (for church and special events, training provided)
Graphic Design for tickets, posters, banners, etc. (for concerts and events)
Publicity for special events
Path into Leadership on Teams and Committees:
Freethinkers Committee
Chalice Groups Committee (group members or facilitators welcome to serve)
Caring Team
Finance Committee
Denominational Affairs Committee
Building and Grounds Committee
Flea Market Committee
Serendipity Auction Committee
Arts Council
Membership Committee
Social Justice Committee
Concert and Music Planning
Task-centered volunteering where you meet people and help keep the church sailing smoothly
Sunday Mornings greeting people
Welcome Table
Ushers and Greeters
Sunday mornings with our children (requires background check)
Nursery (child care)
Religious Education teaching
Sunday morning feeding body and spirit
Hospitality (setting out and serving just after church service)
Potluck (second Sunday each month, set-up and clean-up)
Sunday morning feeding the mind
Book table
Library (shelving and organizing books, scheduled when there is not a meeting there)
Sunday Morning Tables in the Courtyard
Ticket sales for concerts (also at the event)
Helping in the Church Office
Regular or occasional office volunteer (light typing, copying, morning shifts available)
Elves (assembling the order of service and other materials Friday mornings)
Helping in the Church Outside and Inside
Gardening (Tuesday mornings, Friday afternoons – weeding, pruning, planting)
Maintenance (scheduled help keeping the buildings in good working order)
For Personal Benefit and Get to Know Folks:
Writers Group
Chalice Groups (groups form in September and January)
Interweave (in homes, meetings third Sunday after church, and films third Wednesday evening)
Film Discussion
Forum (Sundays at 9:30 a.m.)
Free Thinkers (Friday morning once or twice a month)
Get Together Suppers
Bridge for Fun
Recorder Group
See Sarasota and More
French Conversation Groups
Sharing your skills:
Chalice Group Facilitator (apply through the minister)
Lay Pastoral Care Associate (apply through the minister)
Choir (apply through the music director)
Sound and Video (for church and special events, training provided)
Graphic Design for tickets, posters, banners, etc. (for concerts and events)
Publicity for special events
Path into Leadership on Teams and Committees:
Freethinkers Committee
Chalice Groups Committee (group members or facilitators welcome to serve)
Caring Team
Finance Committee
Denominational Affairs Committee
Building and Grounds Committee
Flea Market Committee
Serendipity Auction Committee
Arts Council
Membership Committee
Social Justice Committee
Concert and Music Planning