Weekly CONTACT Newsletter
April 29 Contact Newsletter
Calling a Minister!
Bill Payton
President of the Board of Trustees
Unitarian Universalist congregations are among the few denominations that have the privilege of calling their ministers. This Sunday, May 1 is an opportunity for the members of UUCS to exercise that privilege, so please… come, listen, and vote!
Plan to arrive a little early to check in, pick up your ballot and enjoy the service. When the worship service has concluded, Rev. Jay Wolin, the ministerial candidate, will exit the sanctuary. The meeting will be called to order for the simple purpose of declaring a quorum and voting. You will then be free to enjoy the coffee hour in the courtyard while the votes are counted. The results of the vote will be announced at the conclusion of the counting.
UUCS bylaws specifically require that members be physically present to vote for the calling of a minister (these bylaws will be reviewed to reflect a more modern church).
See you on Sunday!
This Sunday service at 10:45 in the SANCTUARY and on YouTube accessible via
SERMON BY REV. JAY WOLIN – Ministerial Candidate
“The Journey” Sermon by Rev. Jay Wolin
We are all on a journey. Individually, and as a Congregation. I will share a bit of my personal journey, and I will share some lessons I have learned along the way to build resiliency and maintain hope.
Rev. Wolin finishes Candidating Week with his second Sunday Service, to be followed by a congregational vote.
MUSIC: Don Bryn, Piano; Choir
Restrictions on the number of attendees has been lifted. However, we still require that masks be worn in the Sanctuary. Thank you
Once the Sunday Service is completed at 11:30, the services will be recordings. We will continue to post the services at the top of the homepage until Tuesdays, when they will be moved to our Virtual Church page at https://www.uucsarasota.com/virtual-church.html
Zoom link will be sent on Saturday for those who want to attend virtually.
“Our Uncertain Future and a Longing for the Past”
It is a time of rapid change. Growing forces at work today could have a major impact over the next 10 years. They include inequality, the spread of misinformation, and a longing for an imagined past of greatness. We’ll talk about how these might bend the arc of history and discuss the opportunities to protect and serve the greater good.
Presenter, Don Diddams
Moderator, Jane Rose
Zoom Host, Terri Holsinger
If you wish to contribute to our virtual Sunday collection plate you may do so by clicking on the Donate button you see here or go to the home page on our website.
If you have any questions on how best to pay, please contact Roberta Druif, Director of Finance and Operations at [email protected] .
*11:00 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Catherine Bonner
“Celebrating our Differences- Building Empathy”
Join us first in the Service for our Time for All Ages then our younger UU's will journey to our classrooms where we will have a short lesson on how each of our abilities or challenges are not always visible. We'll then have an art activity to support the lesson before heading to the playground. Please bring an empty cereal box for next week's lesson!
While our lesson is geared for our younger UUs, no matter your age, ALL ARE WELCOME to join us if you are in line with our UU values and principles. Sign-up here to get the R.E. Newsletter. Email Catherine Bonner at [email protected] if you have any questions.
These gatherings will continue as long as folks want to connect with each other in this way. Join us on your computer, tablet or smart phone whenever you want.
Wednesday, 11:30-12:30 COFFEE, TEA OR LUNCH
Friday, 5:00-6:00 HAPPY HOUR
No sign up necessary. You will receive the Zoom invitation with the link and meeting ID the day before.
Our minister is available to respond to your pastoral needs. In addition, Caring Committee and Pastoral Care Team members are available to help in a variety of ways. Please be in touch if you or someone you know in the UUCS community has a need, or just to talk.
Rev. Doug Wadkins 941-444-9617
*HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following members:
May 1 Chris Sloane
May 1 Linda Billings
May 2 Alexandra DavisShaw
May 3 Francesca Tulski
May 4 Elena Vizvary
May 5 John Clark
If you are a member with a birthday this week that is not listed here, please inform the office.
Congratulations to Haley Massa, daughter of Heather and Ethan Massa, who is graduating from college this month.
Ushers Needed for Sunday Services
Please sign up to be a Sunday Service usher – a great way to meet people. Contact Bill Geller at 941-374-4530 or email [email protected]. to sign up or to confirm your participation.
The Landscaping Crew is looking for some volunteers. We meet each Tuesday morning around 9 and work a couple of hours around the grounds. We provide the tools and tasks. We ask you to provide gardening gloves and water. If you enjoy being outside in pleasant surroundings and meeting your UUCS friends, please join us.
*ADULT PROGRAMS See our website’s homepage for Zoom listings
Cinema Conversation will be meeting the first Wednesday of each month in the Lexow Wing. Next meeting is May 4. The time has been changed to 4:30. To get on the list, send your email address to [email protected].
The next UU Bike Ride is Wednesday, May 11, starting at 9 at the SE corner of Benderson Park off Cattleman. The ride loops Benderson Park and then loops through the Meadows and back with lunch outside Kona Grill. To join, please contact Chris Sloane [email protected].
*SOCIAL JUSTICE Sharron Howard, Chair
A Newtown Trolley Tour is scheduled for May 12 from 10:00 - 12:00. Vickie Oldham, Founder and Director of Newtown Alive and President and CEO of the Sarasota African American Cultural Coalition leads the tour, along with another Newtown dignitary and a guest song leader. The guided interactive tour showcases the history of Sarasota's earliest African American pioneers, struggles and triumphs and future redevelopments. The tour starts and ends at the Leonard Reid House, 1435 7th Street in the Rosemary District.
To join the tour, please sign up at the Social Justice table on Sundays May 1 or May 8 or email Jessica Traiger, [email protected] to reserve your seat.
Tickets are $40 per person, payable by check made out to: UUCS, (write Trolley Tour May 12 on the memo line). There are 10 seats left.
The Feed the Children Backpacking opportunity at All Faiths Food Bank will be held from 1-3 on Tuesday, May 17. Please sign up at the Social Justice table or by contacting Louise McGrath, 941-926-9767 or [email protected]. We need a minimum of 15 volunteers to keep our exclusive slot.
International Compost Awareness Week is May 1-7, with the 2022 theme "Compost: Recipe for Regeneration. Suncoast Community Compost, a 501(c)3 organization, will be hosting a range of Community activities. For details see: www.sunshinecommunitycompost.org.
This Sunday service at 10:45 on YouTube accessible via
“The Many Faces of Beauty”
Sermon by Rev. Doug Wadkins
Zoom link will be sent on Saturday for those who want to attend virtually.
“The Green Transition:
An Economic Opportunity”
Some politicians have held up the sorely needed green transition by claiming it would be a "job killer." Quite the opposite is actually the case. Our speaker was born and grew up in a region that has not only gone through such a transition but is economically thriving today. Johannes Werner is a journalist and activist who has lived in Sarasota since 1996. In 2021, he co-founded the Suncoast Clean Jobs Alliance. He will lay out the opportunities on the Suncoast connected to federal funding that is becoming available through the infrastructure bill Congress passed late last year.
Presenter, Johannes Werner
Moderator, Marie Keeney
Zoom Host, Terri Holsinger
Join us for Religious Education each Sunday at 11:00 to 11:30. We light the chalice, and use stories, videos, art and games to support the lesson of the day. We have time for fellowship, too. But mostly, WE HAVE LOTS OF FUN!
Calling a Minister!
Bill Payton
President of the Board of Trustees
Unitarian Universalist congregations are among the few denominations that have the privilege of calling their ministers. This Sunday, May 1 is an opportunity for the members of UUCS to exercise that privilege, so please… come, listen, and vote!
Plan to arrive a little early to check in, pick up your ballot and enjoy the service. When the worship service has concluded, Rev. Jay Wolin, the ministerial candidate, will exit the sanctuary. The meeting will be called to order for the simple purpose of declaring a quorum and voting. You will then be free to enjoy the coffee hour in the courtyard while the votes are counted. The results of the vote will be announced at the conclusion of the counting.
UUCS bylaws specifically require that members be physically present to vote for the calling of a minister (these bylaws will be reviewed to reflect a more modern church).
See you on Sunday!
This Sunday service at 10:45 in the SANCTUARY and on YouTube accessible via
SERMON BY REV. JAY WOLIN – Ministerial Candidate
“The Journey” Sermon by Rev. Jay Wolin
We are all on a journey. Individually, and as a Congregation. I will share a bit of my personal journey, and I will share some lessons I have learned along the way to build resiliency and maintain hope.
Rev. Wolin finishes Candidating Week with his second Sunday Service, to be followed by a congregational vote.
MUSIC: Don Bryn, Piano; Choir
Restrictions on the number of attendees has been lifted. However, we still require that masks be worn in the Sanctuary. Thank you
Once the Sunday Service is completed at 11:30, the services will be recordings. We will continue to post the services at the top of the homepage until Tuesdays, when they will be moved to our Virtual Church page at https://www.uucsarasota.com/virtual-church.html
Zoom link will be sent on Saturday for those who want to attend virtually.
“Our Uncertain Future and a Longing for the Past”
It is a time of rapid change. Growing forces at work today could have a major impact over the next 10 years. They include inequality, the spread of misinformation, and a longing for an imagined past of greatness. We’ll talk about how these might bend the arc of history and discuss the opportunities to protect and serve the greater good.
Presenter, Don Diddams
Moderator, Jane Rose
Zoom Host, Terri Holsinger
If you wish to contribute to our virtual Sunday collection plate you may do so by clicking on the Donate button you see here or go to the home page on our website.
If you have any questions on how best to pay, please contact Roberta Druif, Director of Finance and Operations at [email protected] .
*11:00 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Catherine Bonner
“Celebrating our Differences- Building Empathy”
Join us first in the Service for our Time for All Ages then our younger UU's will journey to our classrooms where we will have a short lesson on how each of our abilities or challenges are not always visible. We'll then have an art activity to support the lesson before heading to the playground. Please bring an empty cereal box for next week's lesson!
While our lesson is geared for our younger UUs, no matter your age, ALL ARE WELCOME to join us if you are in line with our UU values and principles. Sign-up here to get the R.E. Newsletter. Email Catherine Bonner at [email protected] if you have any questions.
These gatherings will continue as long as folks want to connect with each other in this way. Join us on your computer, tablet or smart phone whenever you want.
Wednesday, 11:30-12:30 COFFEE, TEA OR LUNCH
Friday, 5:00-6:00 HAPPY HOUR
No sign up necessary. You will receive the Zoom invitation with the link and meeting ID the day before.
Our minister is available to respond to your pastoral needs. In addition, Caring Committee and Pastoral Care Team members are available to help in a variety of ways. Please be in touch if you or someone you know in the UUCS community has a need, or just to talk.
Rev. Doug Wadkins 941-444-9617
*HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following members:
May 1 Chris Sloane
May 1 Linda Billings
May 2 Alexandra DavisShaw
May 3 Francesca Tulski
May 4 Elena Vizvary
May 5 John Clark
If you are a member with a birthday this week that is not listed here, please inform the office.
Congratulations to Haley Massa, daughter of Heather and Ethan Massa, who is graduating from college this month.
Ushers Needed for Sunday Services
Please sign up to be a Sunday Service usher – a great way to meet people. Contact Bill Geller at 941-374-4530 or email [email protected]. to sign up or to confirm your participation.
The Landscaping Crew is looking for some volunteers. We meet each Tuesday morning around 9 and work a couple of hours around the grounds. We provide the tools and tasks. We ask you to provide gardening gloves and water. If you enjoy being outside in pleasant surroundings and meeting your UUCS friends, please join us.
*ADULT PROGRAMS See our website’s homepage for Zoom listings
Cinema Conversation will be meeting the first Wednesday of each month in the Lexow Wing. Next meeting is May 4. The time has been changed to 4:30. To get on the list, send your email address to [email protected].
The next UU Bike Ride is Wednesday, May 11, starting at 9 at the SE corner of Benderson Park off Cattleman. The ride loops Benderson Park and then loops through the Meadows and back with lunch outside Kona Grill. To join, please contact Chris Sloane [email protected].
*SOCIAL JUSTICE Sharron Howard, Chair
A Newtown Trolley Tour is scheduled for May 12 from 10:00 - 12:00. Vickie Oldham, Founder and Director of Newtown Alive and President and CEO of the Sarasota African American Cultural Coalition leads the tour, along with another Newtown dignitary and a guest song leader. The guided interactive tour showcases the history of Sarasota's earliest African American pioneers, struggles and triumphs and future redevelopments. The tour starts and ends at the Leonard Reid House, 1435 7th Street in the Rosemary District.
To join the tour, please sign up at the Social Justice table on Sundays May 1 or May 8 or email Jessica Traiger, [email protected] to reserve your seat.
Tickets are $40 per person, payable by check made out to: UUCS, (write Trolley Tour May 12 on the memo line). There are 10 seats left.
The Feed the Children Backpacking opportunity at All Faiths Food Bank will be held from 1-3 on Tuesday, May 17. Please sign up at the Social Justice table or by contacting Louise McGrath, 941-926-9767 or [email protected]. We need a minimum of 15 volunteers to keep our exclusive slot.
International Compost Awareness Week is May 1-7, with the 2022 theme "Compost: Recipe for Regeneration. Suncoast Community Compost, a 501(c)3 organization, will be hosting a range of Community activities. For details see: www.sunshinecommunitycompost.org.
This Sunday service at 10:45 on YouTube accessible via
“The Many Faces of Beauty”
Sermon by Rev. Doug Wadkins
Zoom link will be sent on Saturday for those who want to attend virtually.
“The Green Transition:
An Economic Opportunity”
Some politicians have held up the sorely needed green transition by claiming it would be a "job killer." Quite the opposite is actually the case. Our speaker was born and grew up in a region that has not only gone through such a transition but is economically thriving today. Johannes Werner is a journalist and activist who has lived in Sarasota since 1996. In 2021, he co-founded the Suncoast Clean Jobs Alliance. He will lay out the opportunities on the Suncoast connected to federal funding that is becoming available through the infrastructure bill Congress passed late last year.
Presenter, Johannes Werner
Moderator, Marie Keeney
Zoom Host, Terri Holsinger
Join us for Religious Education each Sunday at 11:00 to 11:30. We light the chalice, and use stories, videos, art and games to support the lesson of the day. We have time for fellowship, too. But mostly, WE HAVE LOTS OF FUN!
This Sunday service at 10:45 in person in the Sanctuary and on YouTube accessible via https://www.uucsarasota.com/.
SERMON BY REV. JAY WOLIN – Ministerial Candidate
Rev. Jay Wolin asks: "This past week was Earth Day. How can we balance the needs of humanity with the sustainability of the Earth? What do we mean by the “needs” of humanity? I will explore the theology of ecology, and what our seventh principle calls us to do."
Reverend Jay Wolin has served for the past 11 years as the minister of the UU Congregation of the Quad Cities in Davenport, Iowa.
Prior to that, from 2010-2011, he served as the Ministerial Intern at the UU Church of Tampa, Florida. He also completed Clinical Pastoral Education at Florida Hospital, Orlando, FL.
Rev. Wolin grew up in a Jewish household in New York. He became a UU and joined a UU congregation more than 25 years ago. Prior to entering seminary, Jay was a CPA and a financial executive at various corporations.
This is the first of two Sunday services our ministerial candidate, Jay Wolin, will lead. He will be in town from April 23 through May 1 for meetings with members, the Board and various groups and committees.
On Thursday, April 28, from 5 - 7 the Search committee will host an all-church Happy Hour in the courtyard. Socialize with your fellow congregants and Reverend Jay and Jan Wolin while enjoying wine and lite bites. What better way to spend a Thursday evening?
And, if you can’t make one of the many in-person meetings to be held during Candidate week, join the Reverend Jay and Rick Sandler, Chair of the search committee, on Zoom at 10 on Saturday, April 30. It’s the next best thing to being there. The Zoom link will be the same as for the Forum and will be sent to you in advance.
Candidate week will be a busy one for the church and for our ministerial candidate. We hope you take advantage of the opportunities we've arranged for you to meet him, welcome him, and share your vision for our church.
MUSIC: Don Bryn, piano; Guest Musician Betsy Traba, Flute
Betsy Hudson Traba has served as Principal Flutist of the Sarasota Orchestra and Sarasota Wind Quintet since 1993. Prior to that, she served as Principal Flutist of the Hofer Symphoniker in Hof, Germany. A native of Mentor, Ohio, she earned a Bachelor of Music degree from Baldwin-Wallace College, followed by a Master of Music degree earned at the Manhattan School of Music as a student of Julius Baker. Ms. Traba has been heard frequently as a soloist throughout Florida, including guest artist performances with the La Musica International Chamber Music Festival, Artist’s Series of Sarasota, Charlotte Symphony and in multiple performances with the Sarasota Orchestra.
Restrictions on the number of attendees has been lifted. However, we still require that masks be worn in the Sanctuary. Thank you.
Once the Sunday Service is completed at 11:30, the service will continue to be available as a recording. We will continue to post the services at the top of the homepage until Tuesdays, when they will be moved to our Virtual Church page at https://www.uucsarasota.com/virtual-church-2022.html
*This Sunday at 10 at Lakewood Ranch:
At the Hyatt Place, 6021 Exchange Way
“ First Things First” - Three Personal Points on the First Principle
Charlie Puccia, Bev Godwin, June Hertenstein
Worship Leader: Kathleen Konicek-Moran
Musician: James Hawkins, folksinger
Zoom link will be sent on Saturday for those who want to attend virtually.
“What the Florida Legislature Did to and For Our Environment”
We’re celebrating Earth Day as Florida’s 2022 legislative session came to an end. It’s time to understand just what impact this year’s legislation will have on the environment, sustainability, and global warming. The founder of the Florida Democratic Environmental Caucus in Hillsborough County will cover what happened in Tallahassee this year, good and bad.
Presenter, Russ Conn
Moderator, Fred Sirasky
Zoom Host, Terri Holsinger
If you wish to contribute to our virtual Sunday collection plate you may do so by clicking on the Donate button you see here or go to the home page on our website.
If you have any questions on how best to pay, please contact Roberta Druif, Director of Finance and Operations at [email protected].
*11:00 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - Catherine Bonner
“Our Interconnected Web”
Join us as we listen to the story, the Cracked Pot, and then make Easter Egg bird feeders. Please bring in some of your old plastic eggs!
Rev. Jay Wolin will meet with the parents of our young people right after the service in the playground.
While our lesson is geared for our younger UUs, no matter your age, ALL ARE WELCOME to join us if you are in line with our UU values and principles. Sign-up here to get the R.E. Newsletter. Email Catherine Bonner at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Thank you to everyone who donated, bid, worked and volunteered to make this a very successful auction. Your efforts generated more than $25,000 for UU Sarasota. AND, on top of that, you generously donated more than $4,600 for the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) Emergency Relief Fund for Ukrainians.
Our pickup and pay team will be back on Sunday, April 24 to take checks, cash and credit cards. We are resending invoices to those who have not yet paid. You may also mail a check to the UU office at 3975 Fruitville Rd, Sarasota, FL 34232. If you have not received a donor receipt or a winner invoice, please send an email to [email protected] and Terri or Karen will respond. Be sure to check your junk/spam/promo email folder for email from 'Unitarian Universalist Church of Sarasota' [email protected]
AND there’s more. By popular request, we will have a table outside the Lexow Room with a sign-up sheet for the Piano Salon with Don Bryn event occurring on June 3. We still have seats available. We'll turn the sanctuary into a music salon and have a glorious evening of conversation, piano music, wine & cheese. This will be an interactive event where you request your favorite tunes or just relax and listen to popular classics and jazz standards played by the pianist who delights us every Sunday morning. https://donbryn.com June 3, 2022, 5-7 pm.
This item is a fixed price of $30. Just enter your bid number and name. You will be invoiced for $30. Enter your bid number on additional rows if you want to bring a guest(s).
These gatherings will continue as long as folks want to connect with each other in this way. Join us on your computer, tablet or smart phone whenever you want.
Wednesday, 11:30-12:30 COFFEE, TEA OR LUNCH
Friday, 5:00-6:00 HAPPY HOUR
No sign up necessary. You will receive the Zoom invitation with the link and meeting ID the day before.
Please call the office with Pastoral Care needs: 941-371-4974 ext. 3.
*HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following members:
April 22 June Brasgalla
April 23 Barbara Logan
April 23 Mary Lou (ML) Morton
April 27 Jim Redifer
April 28 David Munro
If you are a member with a birthday this week that is not listed here, please inform the office.
Our best wishes to Valerie Kerwin, our UU Librarian, who had shoulder surgery after a fall at home. Cards may be sent to Valerie at 12014 Clubhouse Drive, Lakewood Ranch, 34202
Ushers Needed for Sunday Services
Please sign up to be a Sunday Service usher – a great way to meet people. Contact Bill Geller at 941-374-4530 or email [email protected]. to sign up or to confirm your participation.
ARTS COUNCIL – Spring 2022 UUCS Members Art Exhibit
The UUCS Arts Council is proud to present the spring 2022 UUCS Members Art Exhibit in the Lexow Wing Gallery. With 34 works from 23 member artists, this exhibit is an opportunity for our UUCS artists to connect with our UU Community.
The Arts Council thanks these artists for their contribution. Please take a moment to enjoy their work. The exhibit will be on display till June 16.
ADULT PROGRAMS See our website’s homepage for Zoom listings
Cinema Conversation will be meeting the first Wednesday of each month in the Lexow Wing. Next meeting is May 4. The time has been changed to 4:30. To get on the list, send your email address to [email protected].
*SOCIAL JUSTICE Sharron Howard, Chair
A Newtown Trolley Tour is scheduled for May 12 from 10:00 - 12:00. Vickie Oldham, Founder and Director of Newtown Alive and President and CEO of the Sarasota African American Cultural Coalition leads the tour, along with another Newtown dignitary and a guest song leader. The guided interactive tour showcases the history of Sarasota's earliest African American pioneers, struggles and triumphs and future redevelopments. The tour starts and ends at the Leonard Reid House, 1435 7th Street in the Rosemary District.
To join the tour, please sign up at the Social Justice table on Sundays April 24, May 1 or May 8 or email Jessica Traiger, [email protected] to reserve your seat.
Tickets are $40 per person, payable by check made out to: UUCS, (write Trolley Tour May 12 on the memo line).
Maximum passengers on the trolley - 25.
Our next book is Killers of the Flower Moon...The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann. This highly acclaimed book was the 2017 choice of Sarasota County Libraries for its One Book One Community lecture and discussions.
We will use this book as an introduction to the oppressions that our Native American peoples have faced. Our discussion of this book will be on Thursday, June 9 at 5:00. Follow-up reminders will be sent out prior to the meeting. Questions? Contact [email protected].
This Sunday service at 10:45 in person in the Sanctuary and on YouTube accessible via https://www.uucsarasota.com/.
SERMON BY REV. JAY WOLIN – Ministerial Candidate
“The Journey” Sermon by Rev. Jay Wolin
We are all on a journey. Individually, and as a Congregation. I will share a bit of my personal journey, and I will share some lessons I have learned along the way to build resiliency and maintain hope.
Rev. Wolin finishes Candidating Week with his second Sunday Service to be followed by a congregational vote.
MUSIC: Don Bryn, Piano; Choir
Zoom link will be sent on Saturday to those who wish to attend virtually
“Our Uncertain Future and a Longing for the Past”
It is a time of rapid change. Growing forces at work today could have a major impact over the next 10 years. They include inequality, the spread of misinformation, and a longing for an imagined past of greatness. We’ll talk about how these might bend the arc of history and discuss the opportunities to protect and serve the greater good.
Presenter, Don Diddams
Moderator, Jane Rose
Zoom Host, Terri Holsinger
Join us for Religious Education each Sunday. We light the chalice, and use stories, videos, art and games to support the lesson of the day. We have time for fellowship, too. But mostly, WE HAVE LOTS OF FUN!
Need help with Technology? Not sure how to navigate your computer, tablet or phone? Missing out on joining in on the Forum, Happy Hour and other Zoom calls or how to navigate Zoom? We are ready to help. Contact Catherine Bonner at: [email protected] or at 720-8437 to cell/text for assistance.
Please inform the Office of any address, phone and email changes.
Also, update your listing on Breeze so we may have accurate information. Thank you. [email protected]
For the color and photo version of the Weekly Contact emailed on Fridays, click on the first link in your email so that you may read the Contact in your browser.
Send submissions to [email protected]
Deadline is Tuesdays at noon.
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Copyright © 2022 Unitarian Universalist Church of Sarasota, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
Unitarian Universalist Church of Sarasota
3975 Fruitville Road
Sarasota, FL 34232
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This Sunday service at 10:45 in person in the Sanctuary and on YouTube accessible via https://www.uucsarasota.com/.
SERMON BY REV. JAY WOLIN – Ministerial Candidate
Rev. Jay Wolin asks: "This past week was Earth Day. How can we balance the needs of humanity with the sustainability of the Earth? What do we mean by the “needs” of humanity? I will explore the theology of ecology, and what our seventh principle calls us to do."
Reverend Jay Wolin has served for the past 11 years as the minister of the UU Congregation of the Quad Cities in Davenport, Iowa.
Prior to that, from 2010-2011, he served as the Ministerial Intern at the UU Church of Tampa, Florida. He also completed Clinical Pastoral Education at Florida Hospital, Orlando, FL.
Rev. Wolin grew up in a Jewish household in New York. He became a UU and joined a UU congregation more than 25 years ago. Prior to entering seminary, Jay was a CPA and a financial executive at various corporations.
This is the first of two Sunday services our ministerial candidate, Jay Wolin, will lead. He will be in town from April 23 through May 1 for meetings with members, the Board and various groups and committees.
On Thursday, April 28, from 5 - 7 the Search committee will host an all-church Happy Hour in the courtyard. Socialize with your fellow congregants and Reverend Jay and Jan Wolin while enjoying wine and lite bites. What better way to spend a Thursday evening?
And, if you can’t make one of the many in-person meetings to be held during Candidate week, join the Reverend Jay and Rick Sandler, Chair of the search committee, on Zoom at 10 on Saturday, April 30. It’s the next best thing to being there. The Zoom link will be the same as for the Forum and will be sent to you in advance.
Candidate week will be a busy one for the church and for our ministerial candidate. We hope you take advantage of the opportunities we've arranged for you to meet him, welcome him, and share your vision for our church.
MUSIC: Don Bryn, piano; Guest Musician Betsy Traba, Flute
Betsy Hudson Traba has served as Principal Flutist of the Sarasota Orchestra and Sarasota Wind Quintet since 1993. Prior to that, she served as Principal Flutist of the Hofer Symphoniker in Hof, Germany. A native of Mentor, Ohio, she earned a Bachelor of Music degree from Baldwin-Wallace College, followed by a Master of Music degree earned at the Manhattan School of Music as a student of Julius Baker. Ms. Traba has been heard frequently as a soloist throughout Florida, including guest artist performances with the La Musica International Chamber Music Festival, Artist’s Series of Sarasota, Charlotte Symphony and in multiple performances with the Sarasota Orchestra.
Restrictions on the number of attendees has been lifted. However, we still require that masks be worn in the Sanctuary. Thank you.
Once the Sunday Service is completed at 11:30, the service will continue to be available as a recording. We will continue to post the services at the top of the homepage until Tuesdays, when they will be moved to our Virtual Church page at https://www.uucsarasota.com/virtual-church-2022.html
*This Sunday at 10 at Lakewood Ranch:
At the Hyatt Place, 6021 Exchange Way
“ First Things First” - Three Personal Points on the First Principle
Charlie Puccia, Bev Godwin, June Hertenstein
Worship Leader: Kathleen Konicek-Moran
Musician: James Hawkins, folksinger
Zoom link will be sent on Saturday for those who want to attend virtually.
“What the Florida Legislature Did to and For Our Environment”
We’re celebrating Earth Day as Florida’s 2022 legislative session came to an end. It’s time to understand just what impact this year’s legislation will have on the environment, sustainability, and global warming. The founder of the Florida Democratic Environmental Caucus in Hillsborough County will cover what happened in Tallahassee this year, good and bad.
Presenter, Russ Conn
Moderator, Fred Sirasky
Zoom Host, Terri Holsinger
If you wish to contribute to our virtual Sunday collection plate you may do so by clicking on the Donate button you see here or go to the home page on our website.
If you have any questions on how best to pay, please contact Roberta Druif, Director of Finance and Operations at [email protected].
*11:00 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - Catherine Bonner
“Our Interconnected Web”
Join us as we listen to the story, the Cracked Pot, and then make Easter Egg bird feeders. Please bring in some of your old plastic eggs!
Rev. Jay Wolin will meet with the parents of our young people right after the service in the playground.
While our lesson is geared for our younger UUs, no matter your age, ALL ARE WELCOME to join us if you are in line with our UU values and principles. Sign-up here to get the R.E. Newsletter. Email Catherine Bonner at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Thank you to everyone who donated, bid, worked and volunteered to make this a very successful auction. Your efforts generated more than $25,000 for UU Sarasota. AND, on top of that, you generously donated more than $4,600 for the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) Emergency Relief Fund for Ukrainians.
Our pickup and pay team will be back on Sunday, April 24 to take checks, cash and credit cards. We are resending invoices to those who have not yet paid. You may also mail a check to the UU office at 3975 Fruitville Rd, Sarasota, FL 34232. If you have not received a donor receipt or a winner invoice, please send an email to [email protected] and Terri or Karen will respond. Be sure to check your junk/spam/promo email folder for email from 'Unitarian Universalist Church of Sarasota' [email protected]
AND there’s more. By popular request, we will have a table outside the Lexow Room with a sign-up sheet for the Piano Salon with Don Bryn event occurring on June 3. We still have seats available. We'll turn the sanctuary into a music salon and have a glorious evening of conversation, piano music, wine & cheese. This will be an interactive event where you request your favorite tunes or just relax and listen to popular classics and jazz standards played by the pianist who delights us every Sunday morning. https://donbryn.com June 3, 2022, 5-7 pm.
This item is a fixed price of $30. Just enter your bid number and name. You will be invoiced for $30. Enter your bid number on additional rows if you want to bring a guest(s).
These gatherings will continue as long as folks want to connect with each other in this way. Join us on your computer, tablet or smart phone whenever you want.
Wednesday, 11:30-12:30 COFFEE, TEA OR LUNCH
Friday, 5:00-6:00 HAPPY HOUR
No sign up necessary. You will receive the Zoom invitation with the link and meeting ID the day before.
Please call the office with Pastoral Care needs: 941-371-4974 ext. 3.
*HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following members:
April 22 June Brasgalla
April 23 Barbara Logan
April 23 Mary Lou (ML) Morton
April 27 Jim Redifer
April 28 David Munro
If you are a member with a birthday this week that is not listed here, please inform the office.
Our best wishes to Valerie Kerwin, our UU Librarian, who had shoulder surgery after a fall at home. Cards may be sent to Valerie at 12014 Clubhouse Drive, Lakewood Ranch, 34202
Ushers Needed for Sunday Services
Please sign up to be a Sunday Service usher – a great way to meet people. Contact Bill Geller at 941-374-4530 or email [email protected]. to sign up or to confirm your participation.
ARTS COUNCIL – Spring 2022 UUCS Members Art Exhibit
The UUCS Arts Council is proud to present the spring 2022 UUCS Members Art Exhibit in the Lexow Wing Gallery. With 34 works from 23 member artists, this exhibit is an opportunity for our UUCS artists to connect with our UU Community.
The Arts Council thanks these artists for their contribution. Please take a moment to enjoy their work. The exhibit will be on display till June 16.
ADULT PROGRAMS See our website’s homepage for Zoom listings
Cinema Conversation will be meeting the first Wednesday of each month in the Lexow Wing. Next meeting is May 4. The time has been changed to 4:30. To get on the list, send your email address to [email protected].
*SOCIAL JUSTICE Sharron Howard, Chair
A Newtown Trolley Tour is scheduled for May 12 from 10:00 - 12:00. Vickie Oldham, Founder and Director of Newtown Alive and President and CEO of the Sarasota African American Cultural Coalition leads the tour, along with another Newtown dignitary and a guest song leader. The guided interactive tour showcases the history of Sarasota's earliest African American pioneers, struggles and triumphs and future redevelopments. The tour starts and ends at the Leonard Reid House, 1435 7th Street in the Rosemary District.
To join the tour, please sign up at the Social Justice table on Sundays April 24, May 1 or May 8 or email Jessica Traiger, [email protected] to reserve your seat.
Tickets are $40 per person, payable by check made out to: UUCS, (write Trolley Tour May 12 on the memo line).
Maximum passengers on the trolley - 25.
Our next book is Killers of the Flower Moon...The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann. This highly acclaimed book was the 2017 choice of Sarasota County Libraries for its One Book One Community lecture and discussions.
We will use this book as an introduction to the oppressions that our Native American peoples have faced. Our discussion of this book will be on Thursday, June 9 at 5:00. Follow-up reminders will be sent out prior to the meeting. Questions? Contact [email protected].
This Sunday service at 10:45 in person in the Sanctuary and on YouTube accessible via https://www.uucsarasota.com/.
SERMON BY REV. JAY WOLIN – Ministerial Candidate
“The Journey” Sermon by Rev. Jay Wolin
We are all on a journey. Individually, and as a Congregation. I will share a bit of my personal journey, and I will share some lessons I have learned along the way to build resiliency and maintain hope.
Rev. Wolin finishes Candidating Week with his second Sunday Service to be followed by a congregational vote.
MUSIC: Don Bryn, Piano; Choir
Zoom link will be sent on Saturday to those who wish to attend virtually
“Our Uncertain Future and a Longing for the Past”
It is a time of rapid change. Growing forces at work today could have a major impact over the next 10 years. They include inequality, the spread of misinformation, and a longing for an imagined past of greatness. We’ll talk about how these might bend the arc of history and discuss the opportunities to protect and serve the greater good.
Presenter, Don Diddams
Moderator, Jane Rose
Zoom Host, Terri Holsinger
Join us for Religious Education each Sunday. We light the chalice, and use stories, videos, art and games to support the lesson of the day. We have time for fellowship, too. But mostly, WE HAVE LOTS OF FUN!
Need help with Technology? Not sure how to navigate your computer, tablet or phone? Missing out on joining in on the Forum, Happy Hour and other Zoom calls or how to navigate Zoom? We are ready to help. Contact Catherine Bonner at: [email protected] or at 720-8437 to cell/text for assistance.
Please inform the Office of any address, phone and email changes.
Also, update your listing on Breeze so we may have accurate information. Thank you. [email protected]
For the color and photo version of the Weekly Contact emailed on Fridays, click on the first link in your email so that you may read the Contact in your browser.
Send submissions to [email protected]
Deadline is Tuesdays at noon.
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Visit our Website
Copyright © 2022 Unitarian Universalist Church of Sarasota, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
Unitarian Universalist Church of Sarasota
3975 Fruitville Road
Sarasota, FL 34232
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April 15
CONTACT, Newsletter of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Sarasota,
3975 Fruitville Road, Sarasota, FL 34232
Candidating Week
The candidate week in a congregation is perhaps one of the most exciting, meaningful, and essential weeks in the life of a congregation. It is important not just because you are calling a new minister but also because that process invites a congregation to practice hospitality and perspective. While it is a special week, these practices are more important than one might realize because they can set a tone for the long haul of ministry and make such a difference in the success of the shared ministry.
Congregations tend to do a good job with hospitality during candidate week. They are on good behavior, make a special effort to reach out, and realize how attention to detail can make a difference. One component of hospitality for that week is to realize what a wonderful whirlwind the week is for the candidate and that it is exhausting. Even if you are busy with events for candidating, you will only experience a small part of what will go on for Rev. Jay Wolin that week. It is an excellent time to practice making sure he has the opportunity to rest and revitalize. Remember that need will never go away for any minister if you are to assist in sustaining their ministry!
A sense of perspective is also critical because it invites one to step back and think about the true essence of the week. We sometimes bring some very robust expectations to our ministers, which is natural. However, it is one week, intensive and well-prepared as it is. It can only do so much. A fair number of people approach with the expectation of discovering what the person’s ministry will be like and checking off how many of your expectations are met. This is the first step of a much longer ongoing process of getting to know each other and discovering how you will best minister together. You will have much more to discover that will remain unknowable in one week. In addition, the world will keep on spinning and changing, and so will ministry and what you will be called on to do together. What you are looking for is possibility. Can you imagine that you will be able to work together to forge a new era for this congregation? Can you see evidence that with some time, you will be able to connect with this person as your minister and imagine some of the powerful life events in which he will be a part? Your search team has been very thoughtful and proactive in vetting your candidates. This is a time to trust what your heart and imagination tell you is possible and dream about what you might create together.
The last week of April will be important, but it can also be fun. It is a time of discovery, goodwill, dreaming together, and creating a space for that good work to happen. I wish you well and will be sending warm wishes your way.
...to press some flesh, bend an ear, shake a hand and put out the welcome mat.
During candidate week (April 23-May 1) small group and special interest group members will have an opportunity to meet our ministerial candidate, Reverend Jay Wolin. But we will also have two all-member events where you can hobnob with our special guest and his wife, Jan, and get to know them better.
On Thursday, April 28, from 5 -7 Bob Mayer and the Search committee will host an all-church happy hour in the courtyard. Socialize with your fellow congregants and Reverend Jay and Jan while enjoying wine and lite bites. What better way to spend a Thursday evening?
And, if you are a snowbird or out of town or just can’t make one of the many in-person meetings to be held during Candidate week, join the Reverend Jay and Rick Sandler, Chair of the search committee, on Zoom at 10 on Saturday, April 30. It’s the next best thing to being there. A zoom link will be sent.
Candidate week will be a busy one for the church and for our ministerial candidate. We hope you take advantage of the opportunities we've arranged for you to meet him, welcome him, and share your vision for our church.
This Sunday service at 10:45 in the SANCTUARY and on YouTube accessible via
Sermon by Rev. Doug Wadkins
A powerful form of awakening has to do with liberation. Since Easter is one of the holidays that combines ancient pagan traditions around Spring and the resurrection of Jesus, the service will honor both of these paths. This celebratory and reflective service will explore some common ground in the liberating forces between the two.
MUSIC: Don Bryn, piano; Choir
Restrictions on the number of attendees has been lifted. However, we still request that masks be worn in the Sanctuary. Thank you
Once the Sunday Service is completed at 11:30, the services will be recordings. We will continue to post the services at the top of the homepage until Tuesdays, when they will be moved to our Virtual Church page at https://www.uucsarasota.com/virtual-church.html
Zoom link will be sent on Saturday for those who want to attend virtually.
2022 Russia-Ukraine War
We'll see how the imperialist ups and downs of Russia's past have led to Putin's current identity crisis. We'll discuss Russia's war strategy, Zelinsky's Ukraine, Putin's campaign of disinformation, the global response, and the economic and humanitarian fallout. What resulting scenarios can we envision?
Presenter, Paul Burnore
Moderator, Marie Keeney
Zoom Host, Shells Siskin
If you wish to contribute to our virtual Sunday collection plate you may do so by clicking on the Donate button you see here or go to the home page on our website.
If you have any questions on how best to pay, please contact Roberta Druif, Director of Finance and Operations at [email protected] .
*11:00 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Catherine Bonner
Easter and the Power to Heal
Join us as we have a short lesson on Jesus as a healer then we’ll hold our Easter Party. We'll have an egg hunt and other games. Bring a basket and a canned or boxed good to share with a local food pantry.
While our lesson is geared for our younger UUs, no matter your age, ALL ARE WELCOME to join us if you are in line with our UU values and principles. Sign-up here to get the R.E. Newsletter. Email Catherine Bonner at [email protected] if you have any questions.
These gatherings will continue as long as folks want to connect with each other in this way. Join us on your computer, tablet or smart phone whenever you want.
Wednesday, 11:30-12:30 COFFEE, TEA OR LUNCH
Friday, 5:00-6:00 HAPPY HOUR
No sign up necessary. You will receive the Zoom invitation with the link and meeting ID the day before.
Our minister is available to respond to your pastoral needs. In addition, Caring Committee and Pastoral Care Team members are available to help in a variety of ways. Please be in touch if you or someone you know in the UUCS community has a need, or just to talk.
Rev. Doug Wadkins 941-444-9617
*HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following members:
April 15 Nancy Paxcia-Bibbins
April 16 Bill Payton
April 16 Katie Walsh
April 17 Jon Stafsholt
April 17 Shela Van Ness
April 19 Susan Davy
April 19 Regina Pound
April 21 Charlene Hovatter
April 21 Ethan Massa
April 21 Nancy Thomas
If you are a member with a birthday this week that is not listed here, please inform the office.
Welcome to new members: Sarah Gold, Kate Page Korp and Enid Romanek
ARTS COUNCIL – Spring 2022 UUCS Members Art Exhibit
The UUCS Arts Council is proud to present the spring 2022 UUCS Members Art Exhibit in the Lexow Wing Gallery. Please join us for the opening reception from 10 to 1 on Sunday, April 17 in the Gallery. With 34 works from 23 member artists, this exhibit is an opportunity for our UUCS artists to connect with our UU Community.
The Arts Council thanks these artists for their contribution. Please take a moment to enjoy their work. The exhibit will be on display till June 16.
An Interweave pizza party will take place on Wednesday, April 27 at 6:00 at Bill Geller's home at 3923 Glen Oaks Manor Dr, Sarasota. [email protected]
It is very special as Rev Jay Wolin, the candidate to serve as our settled minister, will attend and we will have an opportunity to meet and to get to know each other.
Pizza, salad and refreshments will be provided so please RSVP if you (and a friend) will be attending.
*ADULT PROGRAMS See our website’s homepage for Zoom listings
The WOMEN’S BOOK GROUP will meet by zoom at 1 on Friday, April 22. We will discuss the book Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr. Sharon Seager [email protected]
*SOCIAL JUSTICE Sharron Howard, Chair
UU Service Committee Response for the Ukrainians
UUSC’s initial emergency response includes providing immediate funding to the Hungarian Helsinki Committee (HHC) and the FemFund, two groups already on the ground working on equitable recovery for displaced people.
The first steps include:
· Distributing humanitarian aid to women, people of color, and LGBTQI+ individuals who have fled Ukraine — including delivery of food, cooking supplies, batteries, generators, lamps, and other necessities for those arriving in Poland.
· Providing free legal assistance, counseling, and plain-language information to those arriving in Hungary, enabling them to access their rights as asylum seekers.
· Organizing support for grassroots groups who are fighting pushbacks of BIPOC migrants.
This article was taken from an email sent to UU congregations from Cassandra Ryan, Vice President of Development at UUSC, reprinted so everyone is updated on efforts being done currently.
From your UUSC Liaison, Linda Bodycomb, [email protected]
Our next book is Killers of the Flower Moon...The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann. This highly acclaimed book was the 2017 choice of Sarasota County Libraries for its One Book One Community lecture and discussions. We will use this book as an introduction to the oppressions that our Native American peoples have faced. Our discussion of this book will be on Thursday, June 9 at 5:00. Follow-up reminders will be sent out prior to the meeting. Questions? Contact [email protected].
This Sunday service at 10:45 on YouTube accessible via
SERMON BY REV. JAY WOLIN – Ministerial Candidate
This past week was Earth Day. How can we balance the needs of humanity with the sustainability of the Earth? What do we mean by the “needs” of humanity? I will explore the theology of ecology, and what our seventh principle calls us to do.
MUSIC: Don Bryn, piano; Guest Musician Betsy Traba, Flute
Zoom link will be sent on Saturday for those who want to attend virtually.
“What the Florida Legislature Did to and For Our Environment”
We’re celebrating Earth Day as Florida’s 2022 legislative session came to an end. It’s time to understand just what impact this year’s legislation will have on the environment, sustainability, and global warming. The founder of the Florida Democratic Environmental Caucus in Hillsborough County will cover what happened in Tallahassee this year, good and bad.
Presenter, Russ Conn
Moderator, Fred Sirasky
Zoom Host, Terri Holsinger
Join us for Religious Education each Sunday at 11:00 to 11:30. We light the chalice, and use stories, videos, art and games to support the lesson of the day. We have time for fellowship, too. But mostly, WE HAVE LOTS OF FUN!
Need help with Technology? Not sure how to navigate your computer, tablet or phone? Missing out on joining in on the Forum, Happy Hour and other Zoom calls or how to navigate Zoom? We are ready to help. Contact Catherine Bonner at [email protected] or 720-8437 cell/text for assistance.
Please inform the Office of any address, phone and email changes.
Also, update your listing on Breeze so we may have accurate information.
Thank you [email protected]
For the color and photo version of the Weekly Contact emailed on Fridays, click on the first link in your email so that you may read the Contact in your browser.
Send submissions to [email protected]
Deadline is Tuesdays at noon
CONTACT, Newsletter of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Sarasota,
3975 Fruitville Road, Sarasota, FL 34232
Candidating Week
The candidate week in a congregation is perhaps one of the most exciting, meaningful, and essential weeks in the life of a congregation. It is important not just because you are calling a new minister but also because that process invites a congregation to practice hospitality and perspective. While it is a special week, these practices are more important than one might realize because they can set a tone for the long haul of ministry and make such a difference in the success of the shared ministry.
Congregations tend to do a good job with hospitality during candidate week. They are on good behavior, make a special effort to reach out, and realize how attention to detail can make a difference. One component of hospitality for that week is to realize what a wonderful whirlwind the week is for the candidate and that it is exhausting. Even if you are busy with events for candidating, you will only experience a small part of what will go on for Rev. Jay Wolin that week. It is an excellent time to practice making sure he has the opportunity to rest and revitalize. Remember that need will never go away for any minister if you are to assist in sustaining their ministry!
A sense of perspective is also critical because it invites one to step back and think about the true essence of the week. We sometimes bring some very robust expectations to our ministers, which is natural. However, it is one week, intensive and well-prepared as it is. It can only do so much. A fair number of people approach with the expectation of discovering what the person’s ministry will be like and checking off how many of your expectations are met. This is the first step of a much longer ongoing process of getting to know each other and discovering how you will best minister together. You will have much more to discover that will remain unknowable in one week. In addition, the world will keep on spinning and changing, and so will ministry and what you will be called on to do together. What you are looking for is possibility. Can you imagine that you will be able to work together to forge a new era for this congregation? Can you see evidence that with some time, you will be able to connect with this person as your minister and imagine some of the powerful life events in which he will be a part? Your search team has been very thoughtful and proactive in vetting your candidates. This is a time to trust what your heart and imagination tell you is possible and dream about what you might create together.
The last week of April will be important, but it can also be fun. It is a time of discovery, goodwill, dreaming together, and creating a space for that good work to happen. I wish you well and will be sending warm wishes your way.
...to press some flesh, bend an ear, shake a hand and put out the welcome mat.
During candidate week (April 23-May 1) small group and special interest group members will have an opportunity to meet our ministerial candidate, Reverend Jay Wolin. But we will also have two all-member events where you can hobnob with our special guest and his wife, Jan, and get to know them better.
On Thursday, April 28, from 5 -7 Bob Mayer and the Search committee will host an all-church happy hour in the courtyard. Socialize with your fellow congregants and Reverend Jay and Jan while enjoying wine and lite bites. What better way to spend a Thursday evening?
And, if you are a snowbird or out of town or just can’t make one of the many in-person meetings to be held during Candidate week, join the Reverend Jay and Rick Sandler, Chair of the search committee, on Zoom at 10 on Saturday, April 30. It’s the next best thing to being there. A zoom link will be sent.
Candidate week will be a busy one for the church and for our ministerial candidate. We hope you take advantage of the opportunities we've arranged for you to meet him, welcome him, and share your vision for our church.
This Sunday service at 10:45 in the SANCTUARY and on YouTube accessible via
Sermon by Rev. Doug Wadkins
A powerful form of awakening has to do with liberation. Since Easter is one of the holidays that combines ancient pagan traditions around Spring and the resurrection of Jesus, the service will honor both of these paths. This celebratory and reflective service will explore some common ground in the liberating forces between the two.
MUSIC: Don Bryn, piano; Choir
Restrictions on the number of attendees has been lifted. However, we still request that masks be worn in the Sanctuary. Thank you
Once the Sunday Service is completed at 11:30, the services will be recordings. We will continue to post the services at the top of the homepage until Tuesdays, when they will be moved to our Virtual Church page at https://www.uucsarasota.com/virtual-church.html
Zoom link will be sent on Saturday for those who want to attend virtually.
2022 Russia-Ukraine War
We'll see how the imperialist ups and downs of Russia's past have led to Putin's current identity crisis. We'll discuss Russia's war strategy, Zelinsky's Ukraine, Putin's campaign of disinformation, the global response, and the economic and humanitarian fallout. What resulting scenarios can we envision?
Presenter, Paul Burnore
Moderator, Marie Keeney
Zoom Host, Shells Siskin
If you wish to contribute to our virtual Sunday collection plate you may do so by clicking on the Donate button you see here or go to the home page on our website.
If you have any questions on how best to pay, please contact Roberta Druif, Director of Finance and Operations at [email protected] .
*11:00 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Catherine Bonner
Easter and the Power to Heal
Join us as we have a short lesson on Jesus as a healer then we’ll hold our Easter Party. We'll have an egg hunt and other games. Bring a basket and a canned or boxed good to share with a local food pantry.
While our lesson is geared for our younger UUs, no matter your age, ALL ARE WELCOME to join us if you are in line with our UU values and principles. Sign-up here to get the R.E. Newsletter. Email Catherine Bonner at [email protected] if you have any questions.
These gatherings will continue as long as folks want to connect with each other in this way. Join us on your computer, tablet or smart phone whenever you want.
Wednesday, 11:30-12:30 COFFEE, TEA OR LUNCH
Friday, 5:00-6:00 HAPPY HOUR
No sign up necessary. You will receive the Zoom invitation with the link and meeting ID the day before.
Our minister is available to respond to your pastoral needs. In addition, Caring Committee and Pastoral Care Team members are available to help in a variety of ways. Please be in touch if you or someone you know in the UUCS community has a need, or just to talk.
Rev. Doug Wadkins 941-444-9617
*HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following members:
April 15 Nancy Paxcia-Bibbins
April 16 Bill Payton
April 16 Katie Walsh
April 17 Jon Stafsholt
April 17 Shela Van Ness
April 19 Susan Davy
April 19 Regina Pound
April 21 Charlene Hovatter
April 21 Ethan Massa
April 21 Nancy Thomas
If you are a member with a birthday this week that is not listed here, please inform the office.
Welcome to new members: Sarah Gold, Kate Page Korp and Enid Romanek
ARTS COUNCIL – Spring 2022 UUCS Members Art Exhibit
The UUCS Arts Council is proud to present the spring 2022 UUCS Members Art Exhibit in the Lexow Wing Gallery. Please join us for the opening reception from 10 to 1 on Sunday, April 17 in the Gallery. With 34 works from 23 member artists, this exhibit is an opportunity for our UUCS artists to connect with our UU Community.
The Arts Council thanks these artists for their contribution. Please take a moment to enjoy their work. The exhibit will be on display till June 16.
An Interweave pizza party will take place on Wednesday, April 27 at 6:00 at Bill Geller's home at 3923 Glen Oaks Manor Dr, Sarasota. [email protected]
It is very special as Rev Jay Wolin, the candidate to serve as our settled minister, will attend and we will have an opportunity to meet and to get to know each other.
Pizza, salad and refreshments will be provided so please RSVP if you (and a friend) will be attending.
*ADULT PROGRAMS See our website’s homepage for Zoom listings
The WOMEN’S BOOK GROUP will meet by zoom at 1 on Friday, April 22. We will discuss the book Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr. Sharon Seager [email protected]
*SOCIAL JUSTICE Sharron Howard, Chair
UU Service Committee Response for the Ukrainians
UUSC’s initial emergency response includes providing immediate funding to the Hungarian Helsinki Committee (HHC) and the FemFund, two groups already on the ground working on equitable recovery for displaced people.
The first steps include:
· Distributing humanitarian aid to women, people of color, and LGBTQI+ individuals who have fled Ukraine — including delivery of food, cooking supplies, batteries, generators, lamps, and other necessities for those arriving in Poland.
· Providing free legal assistance, counseling, and plain-language information to those arriving in Hungary, enabling them to access their rights as asylum seekers.
· Organizing support for grassroots groups who are fighting pushbacks of BIPOC migrants.
This article was taken from an email sent to UU congregations from Cassandra Ryan, Vice President of Development at UUSC, reprinted so everyone is updated on efforts being done currently.
From your UUSC Liaison, Linda Bodycomb, [email protected]
Our next book is Killers of the Flower Moon...The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann. This highly acclaimed book was the 2017 choice of Sarasota County Libraries for its One Book One Community lecture and discussions. We will use this book as an introduction to the oppressions that our Native American peoples have faced. Our discussion of this book will be on Thursday, June 9 at 5:00. Follow-up reminders will be sent out prior to the meeting. Questions? Contact [email protected].
This Sunday service at 10:45 on YouTube accessible via
SERMON BY REV. JAY WOLIN – Ministerial Candidate
This past week was Earth Day. How can we balance the needs of humanity with the sustainability of the Earth? What do we mean by the “needs” of humanity? I will explore the theology of ecology, and what our seventh principle calls us to do.
MUSIC: Don Bryn, piano; Guest Musician Betsy Traba, Flute
Zoom link will be sent on Saturday for those who want to attend virtually.
“What the Florida Legislature Did to and For Our Environment”
We’re celebrating Earth Day as Florida’s 2022 legislative session came to an end. It’s time to understand just what impact this year’s legislation will have on the environment, sustainability, and global warming. The founder of the Florida Democratic Environmental Caucus in Hillsborough County will cover what happened in Tallahassee this year, good and bad.
Presenter, Russ Conn
Moderator, Fred Sirasky
Zoom Host, Terri Holsinger
Join us for Religious Education each Sunday at 11:00 to 11:30. We light the chalice, and use stories, videos, art and games to support the lesson of the day. We have time for fellowship, too. But mostly, WE HAVE LOTS OF FUN!
Need help with Technology? Not sure how to navigate your computer, tablet or phone? Missing out on joining in on the Forum, Happy Hour and other Zoom calls or how to navigate Zoom? We are ready to help. Contact Catherine Bonner at [email protected] or 720-8437 cell/text for assistance.
Please inform the Office of any address, phone and email changes.
Also, update your listing on Breeze so we may have accurate information.
Thank you [email protected]
For the color and photo version of the Weekly Contact emailed on Fridays, click on the first link in your email so that you may read the Contact in your browser.
Send submissions to [email protected]
Deadline is Tuesdays at noon