The Contact
Weekly newsletter of UUCS
February 16, 2023
Weekly newsletter of UUCS
February 16, 2023
THIS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH 4-6PM UUCS Courtyard Join us for a Wine and Cheese Kick-off for our upcoming Stewardship campaign--- We Can Do More! This is a great way for fellowship with your UU friends and hear about all the wonderful things that we do. |
![]() Are you looking to join the fight for Reproductive Rights?
Join Rev. Jay and our Reproductive Rights Team for a special 7-week study program starting on Wednesday, February 22ND from 6:30-8pm either in person in the Lexow Wing or on Zoom. The program discusses reproductive health and rights and justice being studied by progressive congregations across the country which are forming a network of SACReD congregations (Spiritual Alliance of Communities for Reproductive Dignity) to speak out for reproductive dignity. Learn more about SACReD here and here. To get the zoom link, SIGN-UP HERE. |

Music Committee News
Don Bryn has accepted the position of interim choir director. The music committee is creating a job description for the Director of Music and once that is done we will be creating a search committee.
Don Bryn has accepted the position of interim choir director. The music committee is creating a job description for the Director of Music and once that is done we will be creating a search committee.
Green Team Field Trip is next TUESDAY, FEB 21st! Carpools will originate at the east parking lot of the church leaving at 10 AM traveling to the Operations Eco Vets site about 45 minutes away. We'll be hosted with a farm to table light lunch; cost is $15 each and payable this Sunday at the Green Team Table . RESERVE YOUR SPOT and LUNCH HERE by Saturday, Feb 18th or at the Green Team table on Sunday. Products for your home and garden will be available for sale (such as bags of worm castings, homegrown people tea and plants.) BRING CASH. There is no internet for credit card sales. More information at |
![]() Arts Council – New Art Exhibit
“Small Works” by Gail Coppock Opening Reception Sunday, February 19th Please stop in the Lexow Gallery after the service this Sunday for the opening reception for this new exhibit of “Small Works” by UUCS member Gail Coppock, who says, "the wonders of the universe can be experienced just as profoundly in the little things as in the grand conceptions." See her work and you’ll know what she means. You won’t want to miss it. Her exhibit will be up until March 16th. Click or tap here to learn more. |
![]() Interweave
Rainbow Potluck Luncheon: Interweave Suncoast, our LGBTQ+ advocacy group, will be meeting on Sunday, February 26th at 1:30pm on campus of UUCS, Reeb Room. Yolunda Stevens will be the host, Michael Fox will give a progress update on the Welcoming Congregation renewal process. Nicholas Machuca. a representative from Equality Florida will update us on statewide issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community. For more information and to RSVP, contact Yolunda at 860-839-4622, [email protected]. Photo on Freepik. |
![]() If you vote in FL by mail thanks to Gov. DeSantis and the FL Senate Bill 90 we must all now request new mail-in ballots for every election cycle, which means if you want to vote by mail this year and beyond you must make a new request for mail-in ballots.
Here is what to do: Send a simple one-line email to [email protected] You simply say you are already a registered Florida voter receiving mail-in ballots, and you would like to continue to receive mail-in ballots for all upcoming elections. |

Did you know that our Arts Council plans and executes ten shows a year in the Lexow Gallery, thanks to your support? It provides educational and exhibit opportunities to members of UUCS and to other artists, reaching out to diverse and often under-represented artists in our community. Artists of color and artists from the LBGTQ+ community will be a special focus in the coming year. The Arts Council strives to support artists and to inspire and educate ourselves, our members and the community. We can do more!

UU Service Committee
Membership Drive
We usually have a membership drive during January, but this year we hope to do that in early April and also behind the scenes. If you are used to renewing your membership in January and wish to continue that tradition, you can do so now by going HERE. $40 will enroll you as a member and $150 or more will be matched. Make sure you include UU Sarasota as your congregation so that we can keep up with our membership statistics that we track. If you do not find a way to designate that, please contact your UUSC/UUCS liaison, Linda Bodycomb, at [email protected] or by calling 410-610-9118.
Membership Drive
We usually have a membership drive during January, but this year we hope to do that in early April and also behind the scenes. If you are used to renewing your membership in January and wish to continue that tradition, you can do so now by going HERE. $40 will enroll you as a member and $150 or more will be matched. Make sure you include UU Sarasota as your congregation so that we can keep up with our membership statistics that we track. If you do not find a way to designate that, please contact your UUSC/UUCS liaison, Linda Bodycomb, at [email protected] or by calling 410-610-9118.

VIRTUAL HAPPY HOUR: Friday, 5:00 – 6:00
Happy Hour is a time when members get together on Zoom to have fun chatting. Join us. No sign up necessary. You will receive the Zoom invitation with the link and meeting ID the day before.
Happy Hour is a time when members get together on Zoom to have fun chatting. Join us. No sign up necessary. You will receive the Zoom invitation with the link and meeting ID the day before.

The next Caring Team's monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday February 7th at 10:00AM in the Lexow Wing.
Caring and Pastoral Care Team members are available to help in a variety of ways. Look for Caring Team on their name tag. Please be in touch if you or someone you know in the UUCS community has a need, such as going in for surgery, or just to talk. Contact Bob Arevalo at [email protected] or 815-332-3343
The next Caring Team's monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday February 7th at 10:00AM in the Lexow Wing.
Caring and Pastoral Care Team members are available to help in a variety of ways. Look for Caring Team on their name tag. Please be in touch if you or someone you know in the UUCS community has a need, such as going in for surgery, or just to talk. Contact Bob Arevalo at [email protected] or 815-332-3343

Please consider Parking in the Cardinal Mooney lot and take a lovely walk to the Church campus. It helps with our traffic flow on site

Want to become a Member? On the first Sunday of each month after the Service, we invite those wanting to become members to join us in the Minister's office to sign the member book. For more information, visit our Welcome Table.

TRIBUTE FUND Consider making a Tribute Fund donation in honor of a member, friend, family member, or pet to acknowledge a good deed or a birthday or a sorrow. The donations will support our Endowment Fund. It will be announced in the Contact. Send your check, marked Tribute, to UUCS 3975 Fruitville Road, Sarasota 34232.
Upcoming Events (click here to see full church calendar)

Learning About UU:
February 18th 9am-Noon
Join us as Reverend Jay and Church leaders lead us in an informal but very educational program on what Unitarian Universalism is all about and to learn more about our vibrant church and the programs we offer. A light lunch is provided so please RSVP here. Childcare is provided by request (include on the RSVP).
February 18th 9am-Noon
Join us as Reverend Jay and Church leaders lead us in an informal but very educational program on what Unitarian Universalism is all about and to learn more about our vibrant church and the programs we offer. A light lunch is provided so please RSVP here. Childcare is provided by request (include on the RSVP).

Join us for a Wine and Cheese Kick-off for our upcoming Stewardship campaign--- We Can Do More! This is a great way for fellowship with your UU friends and hear about all the wonderful things that we do.
Join us for a Wine and Cheese Kick-off for our upcoming Stewardship campaign--- We Can Do More! This is a great way for fellowship with your UU friends and hear about all the wonderful things that we do.

Wednesday, February 22nd
6:30-8pm, Lexow Wing,
In-Person and on Zoom
The first of a 7 session study program on reproductive health, rights and justice being studied by progressive congregations across the country which are forming a network of SACReD congregations (Spiritual Alliance of Communities for Reproductive Dignity) to speak out for reproductive dignity. Rev. Jay, Sharron Howard and Kate Lannamann will lead the study of the SACReD curriculum. Learn more about SACReD here and here.
Sign-up here to get the zoom link.
6:30-8pm, Lexow Wing,
In-Person and on Zoom
The first of a 7 session study program on reproductive health, rights and justice being studied by progressive congregations across the country which are forming a network of SACReD congregations (Spiritual Alliance of Communities for Reproductive Dignity) to speak out for reproductive dignity. Rev. Jay, Sharron Howard and Kate Lannamann will lead the study of the SACReD curriculum. Learn more about SACReD here and here.
Sign-up here to get the zoom link.

The Women’s Book Group will meet on Friday, February 24th at 1 pm by zoom. We will discuss the book Apeirgon by Colum McCann.
Contact Sharon Seager. [email protected] for more Info.
Contact Sharon Seager. [email protected] for more Info.

5-9PM in the Lexow Wing
Do you love to Dance? Enjoy a Party? Like to Karaoke? Then join us for this event in the Lexow Wing!
We'll have a pasta bar and salads for dinner for the low cost of $5. Sign-up here! Let us know what kind of music you want to hear on your RSVP or bring a list to the Party. We'll have line dancing, swing, slow dances, and everything in-between. BYOB
5-9PM in the Lexow Wing
Do you love to Dance? Enjoy a Party? Like to Karaoke? Then join us for this event in the Lexow Wing!
We'll have a pasta bar and salads for dinner for the low cost of $5. Sign-up here! Let us know what kind of music you want to hear on your RSVP or bring a list to the Party. We'll have line dancing, swing, slow dances, and everything in-between. BYOB