Sign up now to be part of our new church directory

We are updating our church photo directory and we need your help. We need you, Members and Friends, to be in our directory. Professional photographers will be at the church in January every day from the 25th to the 29th.. Sign up now. Our most important goal right now is getting everyone signed in for their appointments.
We also need enough volunteers to cover the signing in of all our appointment holders when they come in for their photographs to be taken. If you are able to help out, please contact Gail Colella at [email protected].
What's in it for you? You get to be part of our directory and you get a free 8x10 portrait. You will have several portraits to choose from if you choose to buy additional portraits to give to friends and family.
Click on the blue and sign up now for your professional photo session.
Click here for tips on how to prepare for your photo shoot.
Click below to watch a short video about this exciting opportunity.
We also need enough volunteers to cover the signing in of all our appointment holders when they come in for their photographs to be taken. If you are able to help out, please contact Gail Colella at [email protected].
What's in it for you? You get to be part of our directory and you get a free 8x10 portrait. You will have several portraits to choose from if you choose to buy additional portraits to give to friends and family.
Click on the blue and sign up now for your professional photo session.
Click here for tips on how to prepare for your photo shoot.
Click below to watch a short video about this exciting opportunity.