Interweave to host film November 18, potluck November 21

Interweave will host the film "Gen Silent" in the church's Jefferson Room on Wednesday Nov. 18 at 7:00 pm. Filmed in Boston, over a one-year period, this documentary follows six LGBT seniors as they decide whether to stay open about their sexuality or return to the closet so they can survive in long-term care facilities. Regardless of your age, sexuality, or degree of "outness" this film will resonate with you. After all, each of us loves someone who is, or has, or will, make this decision. A day-time showing at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Venice will be announced at a later date. More information is available at See below for the trailer.

Interweave will hold a potluck at Wilda's house on Saturday Nov. 21 at 11:00 AM. We will plan events for the coming season and discuss how to help local long-term care facilities become more welcoming. Bring a dish to share. Contact Wilda at [email protected] or 941-924-0706.