Get Together Dinners (on hiatus)
(Sign up per quarter is required)
Fourth Saturday of month—evening
Facilitators: Carole Malone and Lynda Hill
Pot-luck dinners in members’ homes are a great way to meet new friends or get reacquainted with old friends.
Dinners (usually 6 – 12 people) are held in people’s homes.
On a quarterly basis you can sign up to attend one, two or three dinners.
(If you cannot commit to dates, sign up as a substitute and have the option of filling in for someone who can not attend a the last moment.)
There is usually a table in the courtyard where you can sign-up before a new quarter begins or (Better Yet) call us or email us on the form below.
1st qtr: Jan/Feb/Mar 2nd qtr: Apr/May/Jun 3rd qtr: Jul/Aug/Sep 4th qtr Oct, Nov, Dec
Sign-ups are the month before the quarter begins.
Questions: , Carole Malone 941-755-3627
Lynda Hill 941-586-2828
There is an electronic form in the Members Corner.
Call the church office if you need the password for the Members Corner.