"We Are Family" Pledge Drive
The 2019 pledge drive kicked off during services on February 17 to the music "We Are Family." The following three Sundays featured one member at each service at the main campus and at Lakewood Ranch telling their own story about what our church means to them.
Early Bird prizes were drawn over three Sundays for a month's use of an up-close parking space. Winners were notified by email and received their parking "permit" by mail on March 25th. On Sunday, March 17th, thanks to 35 volunteer bakers and the Stewardship Committee serving as hosts, we enjoyed a courtyard Pastry Party with 900 pieces of pastry. Extra pastry was delivered that afternoon to the fire station around the corner on Beneva Road and to Jefferson House, and the following morning to people who were homeless in the area of Resurrection House in downtown Sarasota. At the Annual Meeting on March 24th, incoming President Dale Anderson announced the selection of two part-time ministers who will serve our church alongside Roger beginning in September: Rev. Beth Miller and Rev. Budd Friend-Jones. Additional staff for our growing church was the major focus of the 2018 stewardship campaign. Members who have not pledged should stop at the church office for a pledge card or to talk with Roberta Druif for assistance with special gifts. Thank you, 2019 Stewardship Committee Ward Pallotta, Carl Morrison, Judi Hennard Charles Lee, John Yoder Thank you, 'We Are Family" Speakers
Claudia Holtzclaw, Lois Lee, June Hertenstein, Chris Sensenig, Bob Kester, Kathy & John Brackett, Dee Widder, Paul Lewis, Dick Konicek-Moran. Congratulations, Parking Winners
Larry & Rotraut Bockstahler, Chris & Suzanne Drake, Peggy Upton, Ward Pallotta, Ruth Sheridan, Frank & Sandra Tugwell, Pat & Ted Rosenof, Shirley Foss, Mira Frederick, Dick Stammer, Pat & Charlie Allen, Maureen Puccia. |
Thank You, Volunteer Bakers
Terrie Bajorek, Joan Bennett, Louise Bonanno, Catherine Bonner, Sandy Caldwell, Laura Campbell, Rebecca Clapp, Bet Cummings, Suzanne Drake, Joan Evans, Claire Flannery, Alceste Gallo, Cindy Guest, Susan Hallock, Lynda Hodge, Charlene Hovatter, Peggy Kane, Edie Kaplan, Charles & Lois Lee, Carole Malone, Anne McFarlane, Rita Meech, Mary Montgomery, Penny Morrison, Ward Pallotta, Sandra Quesenberry, Sharon and Skip Seager, Donna Starr-Prince, Nina Tortelli, Joan Weaver, Gisela Weinland, Bev Wiberg and Ann Wilson. |