Become a UUSRQ Community Connector
We all come here to UUSRQ to find community but sometimes it is hard to get engaged or to get to know people. How about volunteering to be a UUSRQ Community Connector? We have many small jobs for folks that are a great way to get to know others without a large time commitment.
Check out the opportunities below and sign-up where you might fit!
We all come here to UUSRQ to find community but sometimes it is hard to get engaged or to get to know people. How about volunteering to be a UUSRQ Community Connector? We have many small jobs for folks that are a great way to get to know others without a large time commitment.
Check out the opportunities below and sign-up where you might fit!
Welcome Table
Be there at the Welcome Table on a Sunday to greet visitors and help members with questions they might have. The commitment is 2 hours. WE TRAIN! Hospitality Table
Everybody loves cookies and punch! The job is easy. Put cookies on trays, pour juice in the cups, place them at the table 10 minutes before the end of Service, AND HAVE FUN GREETING AND TALKING WITH FOLKS! Put away the hospitality items afterwards. The commitment is 1 hour. Be a Friend
Sit with someone wearing a red name tag during the Service and bring them to the coffee hour. New Member Mentor
Be a buddy to a new member for a month to help get them engaged with UUSRQ activities and connected with the online Member Directory (Breeze). Bring Food
Help with food for our various events including: Cookies/ finger foods for the Coffee Hour Light lunch for new member recognition day Light lunch for Learning about UU classes Wine and Cheese parties Other events we can think of… Make a Phone Call
We need folks to call: Members on their Birthday Visitors for follow-up conversation and invitation Members who are shut-ins |
Opportunities Continued
Neighborhood Coordinator
Coordinate a small group of members and friends in your neighborhoods to get together twice a year and make a call to each member in your group at least once a year. Send a note into the membership team. Organize Packets
Helping getting our packets for members and visitors together of brochures and other information. Miscellaneous Stuff
There is always something to do and sometimes we don’t always know what it will be. Are you that person who will volunteer to help as needed? |